Sunday, November 4, 2007

Martial Law in Pakistan

Pakistan has declared Martial Law and dissolved the Supreme Court, in the name of fighting terrorism. To be more exact, Musharaff has done all this. I'm sure it had nothing at all to do with the imminent court decision which likely would have ruled his recent reelection invalid.

So: under guise of fighting "terrorism" but really to seize power, Musharaff has burned the Pakistani constitution and created a military state. Sound familiar? But seriously folks, this all stinks like rancid halibut. Pakistani intelligence, the ISI, was almost certainly complicit in the 2001 WTC attacks, and they are well known to be a closely allied with the CIA. In the 1970s Pakistan was essentially base of operations for the ISI and CIA's management of the Afghani resistance to Soviet occupation. And just who made his bona fides back then, under the watchful eye of his CIA/ISI masters? Unca Osama! And now Pakistan is home to the Taliban, who were banished but not destroyed during the 2001 invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. By the way, Human Rights Watch recently released a report stating that hundreds (I can't remember the exact number...use the Google...200 I think) of Afghani civilians (read: woman and children) have been killed in the last several months by US bombing raids. I can hear the hearts and minds being won! But remember, when folks in other parts of the world hate us, it's only because we're so free. See?? It's just jealousy. They see us burning a gallon of gas to visit the mall so we can buy clothes made by kids in Indonesia and get fat on juicy American Hamburgers. Who wouldn't be jealous? The market really is the answer to everything. Mmhmm.

But I do love capitalism, I have to admit. I like clicking buttons online and having packages full of sweet products show up at my door days later, handed to me by a kindly old fellow driving a white government vehicle.

Oh, here are some paintings I've done recently.


Denier said...

What, you don't like the fine job this administration has been doing implementing its foreign policy? Sure, to the untrained eye, the region looks like a tinderbox waiting to explode, with death and carnage and destruction and misery and warfare the region hadn't seen since the Iran-Iraq war. But don't you see, to the far-sighted neocon masterminds behind the policy, this will be just a "comma" in history, with all kinds of benefits to ensue ... eventually.

How would you like to be the tourist board in Pakistan. Come See Democracy in Action. Or maybe, Pakistan: It's Not Just for Jihadists Anymore.

Hey i really like the first two paintings. The first one reminds me of a famous Surrealist pic whose name escapes me, by Chagall I'm thinking. The second one has good depth perception. Not that i don't like the third one, just not as much as the first two. But you know my unbridled Socratic honesty by now. I'm a tough marker. Good to see you've been productive.

How big are the canvases, by the way?

Magnus Maximus said...

Yeah, Bush has funneled how many millions of our goddamn tax dollars into Pakistan? How does the press give him a free pass on the whole, oh, I don't know...funding and supporting a military dictatorship? The official word from Condi on Musharaff's declaration of martial law is that it is "highly regrettable." My goodness, Doleeza...tone down that rhetoric!

I'm still wondering whether airstrikes on Iran will happen before he leaves office. It's hard to imagine that these nutjobs will relinquish power without first bombing Iran back to the stone age. And of course...between now and January of '09 I have a funny feeling that something big and unexpected will happen...although I have no idea what, nor can I give any rational reason for thinking this. I'm using my "gut", ala Steve Colbert.

Thanks for the kind words...I've only been painting for a few months, so each is a learning experience. It's lots of fun. The canvases are small, about 18 by 12 or so....

So, Warden, and everybody reading (all three of you)....what's the verdict? Airstrikes or no?

Magnus Maximus said...

Oh, by the way, the painter you're thinking of is Renee Magritte...yes, it was inspired by his work. My feeble attempt at an homage.

Denier said...

I'd be very shocked if we didn't hit Iran. Of course, I didn't think had the nerve to invade Iraq back in March of '03. It's amazing what this guy still gets away with. He holds fewer press conferences than any prez in history, and even those he gets off easy.

Bush is off the wall crazy at this point, one of the bigger lunatics to ever hold high office in history, and I don't think that is left-wing -- or as O'Reilly would say, far left -- hyperbole. Cheney and the neocon contingent plays him like a violin. The country is fucked, and will be even more fucked when this misguided scumbag gets to act out his crazed Oedipal issues on the world stage. Shakespeare would have had a field day with his many personal neuroses and psychoses.

Serge A. Storms said...

(cue charming news reel horn music)

Dateline: March 16th 2008.

Look at our boys and girls over seas in action! Fresh back from Iraq, they couldn't wait to get their feet back in the sand on the Iranian front! Look out Machmood! Is that a bird in the sky or one of the United States' B-52s ready to drop it's payload on your front porch, burning clean, pure jet fuel brought to us by our good friends at Haliburton.

Here we see our beloved Emporer Bush pulling brush from the pasture woods beside his pasture, then relaxing with an ice cold Pabst Blue Ribbon. That's our Emporer's motto! Work hard, play hard!

Now, Internment Camps! See the former members of the Democratic Congress while away the whistful hours solving the planet's sweat shop problem by hand making your Nike shoes here in America and passing the savings on to you!

All this and more as America marches on!

I am at the point now that I can't wait for my lung cancer to kick in. Cigarettes for everyone!

JRuthless said...

Paintings are great!

Denier said...

I think that's a yes from Serge! It's hard not to be cynical when you wake up and see that, no, you weren't dreaming, that guy is still president and leader of the free world. In fact, it's hard not to be really, really pissed off at the people who put him there in the first place and the selfish jackasses who still support this submoronic psychopath.