Pakistan has declared Martial Law and dissolved the Supreme Court, in the name of fighting terrorism. To be more exact, Musharaff has done all this. I'm sure it had nothing at all to do with the imminent court decision which likely would have ruled his recent reelection invalid.
So: under guise of fighting "terrorism" but really to seize power, Musharaff has burned the Pakistani constitution and created a military state. Sound familiar? But seriously folks, this all stinks like rancid halibut. Pakistani intelligence, the ISI, was almost certainly complicit in the 2001 WTC attacks, and they are well known to be a closely allied with the CIA. In the 1970s Pakistan was essentially base of operations for the ISI and CIA's management of the Afghani resistance to Soviet occupation. And just who made his bona fides back then, under the watchful eye of his CIA/ISI masters? Unca Osama! And now Pakistan is home to the Taliban, who were banished but not destroyed during the 2001 invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. By the way, Human Rights Watch recently released a report stating that hundreds (I can't remember the exact number...use the Google...200 I think) of Afghani civilians (read: woman and children) have been killed in the last several months by US bombing raids. I can hear the hearts and minds being won! But remember, when folks in other parts of the world hate us, it's only because we're so free. See?? It's just jealousy. They see us burning a gallon of gas to visit the mall so we can buy clothes made by kids in Indonesia and get fat on juicy American Hamburgers. Who wouldn't be jealous? The market really is the answer to everything. Mmhmm.
But I do love capitalism, I have to admit. I like clicking buttons online and having packages full of sweet products show up at my door days later, handed to me by a kindly old fellow driving a white government vehicle.
Oh, here are some paintings I've done recently.